Friday, 28 August 2015

Filipino Restaurant

On a horse.
We don't get to meet up with people as often as we'd like, considering we're all on different, busy schedules, so it'd been a LONG time since we'd seen Ziggy. Naturally, we decided to go full Filipino and headed down to the Filipino restaurant she'd found in Dongincheon a while ago.

I'm used to eating Filipino food like at least once a week at parties, if not more (depending on what mum makes up for us) so I've been pretty deprived recently. Whenever I try to make it, it's always missing...something.

In addition to this, Nick hasn't had as much exposure to it as I would like, so we went for the classics:

Pancit and lechon. Yeeee~!

It was pretty darn good. That crispy skin, yo!
What was also pretty good is that there was some kind of birthday party going on, and true to form, there was a lot of sharing going on. Even with the complete strangers sat across the room. At one point someone came over with an iPad on Skype and asked us to say hi to whoever was on the other end. There's some thing I feel I'll never get used to, and that's one of them, haha.

They kept bringing us bowl of various desserts and it was great.
Considering we were right next to Chinatown, we took a detour through the cute streets on our way back to the train station and took some photos of us being weird. (read: photos of me being weird.)

This is "how do I get off this thing it's TOO DAMN HIGH" (It's not)

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